Today was incredible - I finally made it! It was so exciting to see the Atlantic Ocean and even better to swim in it! There is so much to say and not enough words to describe the experience - many thanks to every one of you for your love and support - it has m
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I MADE IT TO MAINE - 64 miles
Today was incredible - I finally made it! It was so exciting to see the Atlantic Ocean and even better to swim in it! There is so much to say and not enough words to describe the experience - many thanks to every one of you for your love and support - it has m
Day 51 – From Battleboro, Vermont to Manchester, New Hampshire – 87 miles
Today we arrived in our last official state of the tour, New Hampshire (though many of us are continuing onto Maine), and we were all excited as we could smell the Atlantic Ocean in the air… or was that the rain coming all afternoon? Rain rain go away, come back in just a few days! We got soaked! Today had the most difficult climbs, with some of them reading on a Garm
in at between 18 and 22 percent grade – I didn’t even know my bike could make it over those grades and it hardly did J It was nice to have a challenge on the last full day on the tour. We were greeted by rain all afternoon and arrived in New Hampshire totally soaked, though our spirits were high. Many riders’ relatives and friends arrived, since we were having our last supper together. We enjoyed lots of conversation and lots of congratulations from everyone. Sue even received flowers from a good friend of hers – how sweet! And Gary had bottles of wine delivered from his winery in California – that was a special treat.

Our evening was long and we didn’t get in bed until almost 11pm! We had a special video presentation of our ride across that country that Gerard, our mechanic and tour leader and great photographer, put together. He is going to do a full DVD for us all and send it out later. It was fun to watch and think of the memories in the different parts of the country. We also were pr
esented with funny gifts – I was given BUBBLES for my bubbly personality. We each had a chance to say a few words and there were many laughs, many thanks, and many tears. This would be our last night together and we all felt the excitement of almost accomplishing such a huge feat and also the sadness of the reality that all 40 of us will never be in the same room again together. What an experience this has been! A
Our evening was long and we didn’t get in bed until almost 11pm! We had a special video presentation of our ride across that country that Gerard, our mechanic and tour leader and great photographer, put together. He is going to do a full DVD for us all and send it out later. It was fun to watch and think of the memories in the different parts of the country. We also were pr
Pictured to the right: Michelle and Andy, our head tour leaders - they were incredible!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Day 50 – From Latham, New York to Brattleboro, Vermont – 86 miles
I think Vermont mi
ght be my favorite state so far. It is absolutely beautiful! We had some hill climbing today as we went over the Green Mountains – the climbing wasn’t hard at all and was a welcome joy for me – I really like climbing, especially since you get to see such beauty usually when you are climbing. The mountains surrounding us were very green! All the towns we went through were cute and quaint and very touristy. It was also sooo humid out today - I was soaking wet all day from it - intense! We also passed the AT (Appalachian Trail) and that brought back some great memories.
At the first sag stop, Skip waited for me and we road together with Don to the Vermont State Border and t
hen into the town of Old Bennington. We were greeted by what I call the “Dr. Seuss House” – super cool, huh? We went off the route and through the town of Old Bennington – it’s a cute town with a really large monument that would have been worth going up in if the day was clear. There are also many covered bridges and so we went and saw
one (photo on the right is of me INSIDE the covered bridge). Old Bennington is rumored to have the most expensive college in the USA at over
$68,000 per year – and that’s only undergrad! Wowzers!
Don rode quickly up the mountains and Skip stayed back with me… I love to climb but I am not that fast. We had ice cream cones in the town of Wilmington, another cute touristy town. At least I was able to find some postcards in these towns – it hasn’t been so easy along the route – I think people don’t really send postcards much anymore! So much for that idea of sending a postcard to my niece at every stop – I have searched and scouted out as many as possible… I am sure in another 40 years people might not even know what a postcard is… hahaha!
We entered the town of Brattleboro and went over a bridge to see the Connecticut River… and we ended up entering New Hampshire! Three states in one day… started in New York, rode through Vermont, and rode into New Hampshire. I didn’t realize New Hampshire was quite so close… I know we ride into it at some point tomorrow but I think we ride a bit north before going into our last state. I do plan
to continue on an extra few miles to also hit Maine but our official stopping point is Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
That’s about it today – just amazing beauty, amazing mountains, and amazing company – Skip is always great company! This trip is so fun that I find myself slowing down and wanting to take in as much of it as I can before its over.
At the first sag stop, Skip waited for me and we road together with Don to the Vermont State Border and t
Don rode quickly up the mountains and Skip stayed back with me… I love to climb but I am not that fast. We had ice cream cones in the town of Wilmington, another cute touristy town. At least I was able to find some postcards in these towns – it hasn’t been so easy along the route – I think people don’t really send postcards much anymore! So much for that idea of sending a postcard to my niece at every stop – I have searched and scouted out as many as possible… I am sure in another 40 years people might not even know what a postcard is… hahaha!
We entered the town of Brattleboro and went over a bridge to see the Connecticut River… and we ended up entering New Hampshire! Three states in one day… started in New York, rode through Vermont, and rode into New Hampshire. I didn’t realize New Hampshire was quite so close… I know we ride into it at some point tomorrow but I think we ride a bit north before going into our last state. I do plan
That’s about it today – just amazing beauty, amazing mountains, and amazing company – Skip is always great company! This trip is so fun that I find myself slowing down and wanting to take in as much of it as I can before its over.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Day 49 – From Little Falls, NY to Lathem, New York – 79 miles
Today was so great! We followed a river all day long and even spent over 30 miles on a bike trail along the river – I couldn’t take enough photos of the beauty! It was sooo nice to be away from traffic and have the serenity of just nature surrounding me – we went by a few Locks and it was cool to see them. We also went through Amish country again - didn’t see as many Amish but a fe
w and signs for them on the road.
Oh and good news – my butt is sooo much better – the key was Neosporin! I put on Neosporin last night and it almost healed everything overnight. I felt no discomfort today, though I am still trying to heal the sores completely. My cough is still there occasionally and sounds pretty bad when I cough but my sore throat is gone and I think the cough is actually getting better. I feel better able to breathe. All and all – I am on the mend and doing well. I have the Santa Cruz Mountain Challenge Century about 3 days after I get home so I want to be well and able to d
o it!
Also, everyone enjoys anything comfy on their butt after a long ride – see John’s photo of sitting on a nice thick pillow while waiting for route rap – AHH!! Couldn’t have captured the moment better – nice!
There is much talk of the last few days and a countdown going on. Though its natural to discuss our plans for the end, it still saddens me to hear about the end coming so soon. This trip has gone by so fast! I wish I could just hold onto every moment and enjoy every moment because it will be gone so quick.
I am glad so many of you have enjoyed reading my blog - also, thanks for all the advice and comments you have put up - it has been so motivating for me!
Oh and good news – my butt is sooo much better – the key was Neosporin! I put on Neosporin last night and it almost healed everything overnight. I felt no discomfort today, though I am still trying to heal the sores completely. My cough is still there occasionally and sounds pretty bad when I cough but my sore throat is gone and I think the cough is actually getting better. I feel better able to breathe. All and all – I am on the mend and doing well. I have the Santa Cruz Mountain Challenge Century about 3 days after I get home so I want to be well and able to d
Also, everyone enjoys anything comfy on their butt after a long ride – see John’s photo of sitting on a nice thick pillow while waiting for route rap – AHH!! Couldn’t have captured the moment better – nice!
There is much talk of the last few days and a countdown going on. Though its natural to discuss our plans for the end, it still saddens me to hear about the end coming so soon. This trip has gone by so fast! I wish I could just hold onto every moment and enjoy every moment because it will be gone so quick.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Day 48 – From Liverpool, New York to Little Falls, New York – 79 miles
The route today was mostly flat and felt like it went pretty quick. We passed by many creeks and often ran into the Erie Canal Trail. We even passed by the smallest chapel in the world – it only has room for 2 people
I enjoyed a peaceful afternoon and we all did laundry or hung out and had a beer (or two or three... depending on who you are!). I left a message for my nephew, Ricardo Luke, today since it’s his birthday – I didn’t get to talk to the birthday boy but I hear he is having a swim party – how fun! I am sad to miss out on his 2nd b-day but I am sure they are all celebrating well!
Tonight we have social hour with free drinks at 5pm – yippee! That is always fun. I was actually talking to Sue today about how I have really mixed feelings about the trip ending. Of course, I will love to see everyone at home but I will also really miss this trip, the people, and this life of riding. I have gotten really use to this routine – I feel sad and happy thinking about the change – life will be so different when I get home.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Day 47 - From Canandaigua, NY to Liverpool, NY – 101 miles
We went through some historical markers today – the town of Waterloo, which is the Birthplace of Memorial Day, and the town of Seneca Falls, which is the birthplace of Women’s Rights. I looked for a falls in Seneca Falls but despite all the signs to one, no falls was found. We also rode by the Erie Canal Trail and Skip and I rode o
I continued on to the bike shop to buy what I needed for my water holder so that I ca
I am also still getting sick – the congestion in my chest is worse and its hard to breathe going up the hills. I feel almost asthmatic. I had lots of tea at dinner tonight and continue to drink lots and am talking some Tylenol for congestion and sinus pain. Despite the sickness and sores on the butt, I am having a great time and am soaking up every minute. I can’t believe this will be over in less than a week – I want to get the most out of it that I can while I am here – life is soooo good!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Day 46 From Hamburg, New York to Canandaigua, New York – 100 miles
Anyway, it’s funny that Lawrence commented about getting sick due to swimming in Lake Erie, since my throat hasn’t felt so great and I feel a little congested. I ended up getting some medicine this afternoon that should help.
Just for those of you who care, like me, this is my 6th century in 7 days – YAHOO! On another note, in order to make some extra miles today, I rode along the lake here in Canandaigua. The lake is one of many Finger Lakes of Lake Erie. I counted 12 Finger Lakes on the map. It is absolutely beautiful here – definitely a lake town. I noticed that every town we have gone through in PA and NY have ice cream shops in the towns, even when there is nothing else… umm.. Interesting! Ice cream must be big here.
Another random thing, I am excited to use my new ipod speakers for my bike but haven't been able to figure it out yet - found out that I need something different for my water bottle cages so I got directions to a cycle shop and Syracuse for tomorrow and will pick it up when I get there and then I will have a stereo system on my bike - sweet! Thanks mom :)
Day 45 – From Erie, Pennsylvania to Hamburg, New York – 103 miles
Anyway, I passed through another state and now am in New York – only two more states to go! I can’t believe it. I feel like soaking up all I can because it’s going to be over so soon! I am having the best time.
Today was incredible! The route sheet was only an 81 miler but I decided to do some exploring and finished at 103. I had sooo much fun – it reminded me of being at home and exploring with Annie or Claire… I enjoyed it so much. Danny joined me, which was great, because it is much more fun to explore with someone else. We took side trips through some towns, through parks, and ultimately found our way to the beach
Anyway, our adventure day lasted until 5pm and then I had to do laundry since I am all out of biking clothes… the closest laundry mat was 4 miles away so I got a quick shower, got a taxi, and had my clothes back and dinner was near the laundromat so I walked over there afterwards. I made it just as the vans were pulling up to drop off the other riders. It was quite a whirlwind day. I got home from dinner at a Chinese Buffet – not my favorite at all – at 8pm and then went straight to bed. I was totally exhausted – in a great way! Life is sooo good J
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Day 44 – Rest Day in Erie, PA – Spent at Niagara Falls – On my Birthday!
Well, I am not sure how to even put my day into words – it was the best birthday ever! A group of 4 other riders (Skip, Don, Pete, and Hetty) and I all rented a car and drove to Niagara Falls for the day – I know now why it is one of the seven wonders of the world – it was spectacular! I still can’t believe a place like that exists in the world! It is an entire lake going over a cliff... wowzers!
We left Erie about 7:30am and arrived in Niagara around 9:30am. We bought the National Park pass, which allowed us to see all the attractions – we started by walking around the park and looking at the falls… we went over the American Falls and then Bridal Veil falls… then we went and got outfitted to see the Cave of the Winds… they gave us ponchos, baggies for our stuff, and rain shoes (see photo of me like a duck!) to go down near the A
After the Maid of the Mist, we went to see a video about Niagara Falls and its history. It was done by IMAX and was also amazing. Did you know that there was a 63 year old woman who went over the falls in a barrel and lived? And there was a 7 year old boy who went over the falls and lived! Amazing… the video went through the myths and legends of the falls… it was interesting to watch. We toped the day off with some drinks and
I arrived at the hotel and received an unexpected birthday card from Sister Mary Audrey and Sister Denise – beautiful – THANK YOU!!! J It made me smile. I also received a package from my mom and dad – an IPOD water bottle speaker for cycling – SWEET! I was sooo excited and could hardly get to bed last while I was trying to set it up for the ride today – YAHOO! THANK YOU!!! I was also expected a forwarded package from Chillicothe, Missouri from Sarah and they said they sent it but I didn’t receive it – so I’ll have to forward it from Erie to the end… .Bummer… cause I hear there are great CDs in there! I’ll keep tracking it Sarah – thanks for your birthday song yesterday. And thank you to everyone for the cards, well wishes, text messages, phone messages, etc… it was great to hear from so many of you!!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Day 43 - From Youngstown, Ohio to Erie, Pennsylvania - 104 miles
Today was quite an eventful day! I started with
Well we didn’t have thunderstorms but we did have some major rain downpour for many many miles. In the middle of the rain, my front wheel broke a spoke and the rim cracked – that is two awful wheels I had on my bike – so I was in the pouring rain and couldn’t g
o anywhere. I called the sag wagon and luckily they were only a few miles away and drove me to the first sag stop to exchange my wheel for another loaner – I was really upset and sobbing about it, but my tour leaders made it not so bad and had me out on my bike right away. I rode back to where I got sagged so that I could make up those miles and to make it an even 100 miler day since it was only an extra 3 miles I had to go back and the day needed exactly 3 more miles to make it 100 miles – so it was perfect! However, I got lost and ended up adding an extra 4 miles to the 100 – so that was a longer day than I expected but I felt great the whole day and could have kept riding! I even considered, just briefly, of doing the 15 mile loop around Lake Erie – just a fleeting thought. 
We passed through another state and the sun came out the rest of the day – we are now in Pennsylva nia and will be having a rest day here, on my birthday! I didn’t get a photo of me and the state sign but Richard did and will be emailing it to me so that I can post it :) My camera was having trouble due to the rain but it started to work again this evening so I got some great photos of my lovely birthday cake that was at dinner tonight. No one knew who sent me the birthday cake and it was even in my favorite color – blue! :) We were all so eager to eat it that I forgot to take a photo of it before I cut it. It tasted great and later I found out my mom arranged to have it delivered – thanks MOM! It was perfect that we had it a day early because tomorrow we will be gone all day at Niagara Falls – yahoo! I have so much energy that I even think I’ll run tomorrow morning… life is so good :)
an hour in the morning waking up at Starbucks across the street from our hotel. This was very exciting to me because this is one of the few Starbucks that have been in walking distance from our hotel on this trip and often there isn’t even a Starbucks in the town we are staying in or any towns nearby. I got two Starbucks cards to use on my trip – thanks Annie and Mom – and have hardl
y used them – so I enjoyed a nice warm cup of tea this morning as I read my book before everyone else woke up and had breakfast at 6:30am. I also read the weather which predicted thunderstorms throughout the day – lovely!Well we didn’t have thunderstorms but we did have some major rain downpour for many many miles. In the middle of the rain, my front wheel broke a spoke and the rim cracked – that is two awful wheels I had on my bike – so I was in the pouring rain and couldn’t g
We passed through another state and the sun came out the rest of the day – we are now in Pennsylva nia and will be having a rest day here, on my birthday! I didn’t get a photo of me and the state sign but Richard did and will be emailing it to me so that I can post it :) My camera was having trouble due to the rain but it started to work again this evening so I got some great photos of my lovely birthday cake that was at dinner tonight. No one knew who sent me the birthday cake and it was even in my favorite color – blue! :) We were all so eager to eat it that I forgot to take a photo of it before I cut it. It tasted great and later I found out my mom arranged to have it delivered – thanks MOM! It was perfect that we had it a day early because tomorrow we will be gone all day at Niagara Falls – yahoo! I have so much energy that I even think I’ll run tomorrow morning… life is so good :)
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Day 42 – From Wooster, Ohio to Youngstown, Ohio – 102.5 miles
We had great weather again today – I guess I can say for sure that our weather angel has been with us – it was a little hotter today but not too hot – super nice.
I have been enjoying the end of the ride and it’s exciting that we are getting close to the end. Oh and I met a couple with a new puppy who was sooo cute – it made my day to get to hold the puppy and eat ice cream – life doesn’t get better than that!
Another great thing is that Charlie, who rode with us from San Francisco to Salt Lake City, Utah is joining us for dinner tonight with his wife, Joyce. They live only 30 miles from here! It is great to see him… Charlie is such a fun guy :)
Thanks to everyone who has been commenting… it is so good to here from you all!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Day 41 – Marysville, Ohio to Wooster, Ohio – 104 miles
Today was another fantastic day – the weather was perfect… not too hot, not too humid – ideal! I rode all day by myself and had a great time! Ohio is an interesting state – there is a lot of agriculture, such as soy beans, corn, and wheat and yet it is absolutely beautiful… instead of being flat, like Kansas, it is rolling with lots of trees and wooded areas surrounding the farms. There are also lots of creeks and small ponds by the homes. There are homes everywhere – they are all well maintained and beautifully landscaped. There are lots of large lawns that all are nicely mowed – they keep them up great – thus I counted about 10 people mowing there lawns today as I rode by. People seem to take pride in having a beautiful home, garden, and surrounding area. Today there were many signs for different outdoor camps off the road – Ohio seems like a great place for outdoorsy adventure type c
We ended up having some major hills today, which I really enjoyed. I love the variety and change in scenery as we go through different states and areas. Its so fun.
I do have to borrow a wheel for the rest of my trip because my crappy wheel isn’t gonna work anymore and the bike shop wont replace it until they see it to make sure that I didn’t do anything myself to crack it… oh that would have been a brilliant idea… annoying… anyway, at least our tour leaders have extra wheels for me to borrow until the end of the trip and then I can deal with the bike shop when I get back.
Bob, who got injured awhile back, lives in Wooster, Ohio and joined us for the afternoon and dinner this evening with his wife. It was great to see him! He seems to be doing well but isn’t able to cycle yet – he is still healing up! It was obviously hard for him to not be with us on the trip but I am just happy that he is healing and safe – that is the most important thing!
So, we have now done 2 centuries in a row and the next two days are close to centuries so I am going to ride the extra 5-8 miles in order to have 4 centuries in a row. I also had the BRILLIANT idea of maybe doing an entire week of centuries on our last week of riding but that didn’t go over as well with other riders – especially since we are going through the mountains in Vermont and New York… well, it was just an idea… maybe the mountains won’t be soo bad??? We’ll see!! :)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Day 40 – From Richmond, Indiana to Marysville, Ohio – 106 miles
First of all - I am off on my days - today is day 40 but I am off by a day somehow... I'll figure out how at some point .. but for now...Today was a fantastic day – I hardly even noticed that we did over 100 miles. We crossed into yet another state… we are passing states left and right.. yahoo! We are now in Ohio. I tried to do a headstand at the Ohio sign with Skip but it turned out really bad… so, I decided to put show you my decent photo!
The weather today was very pleasant – in the 70s and not very humid at all. I rode along at a comfortable pace by myself for awhile and then caught up with a large group at the Ohio stateline. I decided to ride back a bit since the large riding groups aren’t my favorite – around 3-4 other people is good… beyond that I feel like its too chaotic to ride in. I ended up meeting up at a bathroom break with Tom, Sue, and Dan and rode with them until I heard a funny sound on my bike… not sure what it was.. I thought I had a flat… but in fact, my back tire wouldn’t move or go anywhere. Sarge was riding by and helped me out but we just learned that I had broken a spoke. So much for that! I called the Sag Wagon and the mechanic, Gerard, came and brought me a spare wheel to ride on until we fix my wheel tonight at mechanics hour. I arrived at the first sag stop significantly behind everyone but Dan was still there talking to his grandfather, who was sagging today. Dan and I rode the rest of the way together… which was very nice. It was Dan’s first century… he joined the trip with his grandfather in St. Joseph, Missouri and this was the first time I had really spoken with him. He is going to be a senior in high school so we talked about his college choices, etc… it was nice to get to know him a bit. He did excellent on his first century – no complaints – like a pro!
We did met up with the other riders at a bakery/lunch stop in St. Helena, Ohio – it was nice to have lunch and catch up with the other riders. We also met the mayor of this town (pictured we me on the right) – his wife owns the shop and he says they do well there. The town is mainly a bedroom community where the residents live but work farther away in the main cities of Ohio. We passed by a lot of homes today and some small towns… we continue to have many cornfields and I even saw some wheat for the first time today. I rode with the other few riders until the second sag stop and spent too long there so Dan and I rode the rest of the way in … Marysville is a nice town so far.
I found out at mechanics hour that my relatively new Specialized tire got a crack in the rim… no more riding that tire for me! Major Bummer! Gerard, our mechanic, is going to let me borrow a wheel while I finish out my ride and then I can return the wheel to Spokeman in Santa Cruz and hopefully it will be covered by my warranty – so that all worked out.
I met a local guy who did the ride with Michelle, our tour leader, and he took George and I to a bike shop about 15 miles down the road… I looked for shorts but they didn’t have what I wanted. He also drove us to dinner and I enjoy a nice dinner talking with him… he has lived here for quite a long time, almost since boyhood, and had a lot of good riding stories too. You never know what a day will hold… so great!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Day 39 - From Indianapolis, Indiana to Richmond, Indiana - 85 miles
We met some great local people along the way and were welcomed by the people of Indiana - including Amy, who was at our sag stop at the post office in Dunreith - hello Amy!
Once we arrived at the Holiday Inn in Richmond, Skip and I still had plenty of energy so we went to explore the town of Richmond and to visit the rose garden (oh not so great.. the rose beds need to be adopted!) We talked with some locals and visited the local natural spring with we filled up our water bottles and many peop
le from the town came to get water. We enjoyed seeing the fireman spraying the local kids with the fire hose - I told them they belonged in Californ
ia where their efforts are needed! We had a great time. We get free access to a local gym so Skip and I are going to take a yoga class there tonight. My favorite thing is to go and explore a new town and so today was sooo much fun! We took funny photos and had a good ole time and rode about an extra 12 miles... nice nice :)
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