Today was a beautiful day – we rode along more of the finger lakes of Lake Erie and I even got off and rode some of the bike paths directly along the river. They were beautiful! We had some rain mid-day and I was riding with Skip, so we waited out the rain where we saw other cyclists waiting out the rain near a store. The cyclists were two couples from Utah

who were biking the Erie Canal trail – so we talked with them for 30 minutes and let the rain blow over and then we were off again – totally dry!
We went through some historical markers today – the town of Waterloo, which is the Birthplace of Memorial Day, and the town of Seneca Falls, which is the birthplace of Women’s Rights. I looked for a falls in Seneca Falls but despite all the signs to one, no falls was found. We also rode by the Erie Canal Trail and Skip and I rode o

n it for about 1/2 mile but it wasn't too well paved so we turned around and got back on the route. We rode into the town of Liverpool and Skip and I got off the main path to join up with a bike path along the lake. It was definitely the place to be – with lots of kids, lots of runners, walkers, rollerbladers, bikers, and people just enjoying a relaxing day by the lake. We ended up winning two t-shirts by spinning a wheel that a local country music station was hosting and we had a great lunch by the lake. We also met some kids riding an interesting bike that they rented there – it was like an octopus – Skip joined in on the fun and I took the photos! Very neat.
I continued on to the bike shop to buy what I needed for my water holder so that I ca

n use the new IPOD speaker system. The people at the bike shop were really nice. On my way there, I was noticing some pain on my butt – never had a saddle sore but now I know what one is – OUCH! So, today will be my last century (most likely). I rode an extra 32 miles today (we were suppose to only do 69 miles) in order to get in a century and do some exploring around. However, I need to lay off my butt for awhile so no extra miles for me – I hope it heals it hurts to sit or walk or anything. I am using the diaper cream that my mom sent for my b-day – thanks mom – it came in handy! I hope it feels better tomorrow than it did at the end of the ride today – cause it HURT!

I am also still getting sick – the congestion in my chest is worse and its hard to breathe going up the hills. I feel almost asthmatic. I had lots of tea at dinner tonight and continue to drink lots and am talking some Tylenol for congestion and sinus pain. Despite the sickness and sores on the butt, I am having a great time and am soaking up every minute. I can’t believe this will be over in less than a week – I want to get the most out of it that I can while I am here – life is soooo good!
I can't believe you only have one week left. I have become addicted to your blog and am living vicariously through you.
Enjoy every moment of your last week.
Dani, Erik and Abe
Go Audrey GO! Can't believe it. You're amazing. In Mass. now. Can't wait to catch up and see you in Cali.
Sounds like another great day but I'm concerned about your health. So I'm glad you're giving up extra miles and hope that more rest/sleep will take care of some of those symptoms. You go, girl!
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