I got the blues DANA
NANANA the 4th of July holiday homesick blues DANANANANA the very exhausted blues DANANANANA the 106 miles too long blues DANANANANA the riding day blues DANANANANA the cornfields nonstop for three states blues DANANANANA the weather angel abandonment blues DANANANANA the ‘I would rather be hitchhiking’ blues DANANANANA the crying for miles knowing you have 60 miles more to go blues DANANANANA the I can’t find a damn postcard in Illinois blues DANANANANA the I have to pee and can’t find a place to go blues DANANANANA the hungry but nothing sounds good to eat blues DANANANANA the I want to throw my bike in the cornfield blues DANANANANA the I miss the ocean blues DANANANANA the headwind blues DANANANANA the my hotel room sticks blues DANANANANA and I stick too blues DANANANANA the my cell phone died and I don't have a charger blues DANANANANA 
Okay, so today wasn’t that bad but I started out tired and knew I had 106 miles left to go. I rode alone all day at my own pace and my goal was to be in in less than 7 hours… I was not going to be out as long as yesterday… mentally I just couldn’t do it! So, I speed along at a nice pace and at about mile 25, I missed home and then just started to cry.
I was so tired. The tears lasted on and off until about mile 70 and then I started to feel better. I sang the blues to myself and had myself laughing! I also learned to whistle! I never knew how to whistle but I got rather good at it --- I never knew that it all has to do with the way you put your lips... oh the things you learn while you ride! I had a nice pace going today and the weather was rather nice. It was cool out (70s and 80s) and not too humid. Also, the hills started to level out and we had some flat land… which my legs appreciated.
Today we had a contest going on – the one best dressed for the 4th of July got some reward. So, we had a few takers on the contest with nice outfits (see photos). We arrived in Springfield, Illinois – the home of Abraham Lincoln - there are many signs and historical places based on him – the town isn’t all that nice but there seems to be some major celebration for the 4th of July that they are setting up near the Capitol building. While at Walgreen’s, where I FINALLY found postcards to send to my niece and nephew (I haven’t been able to find them in any of the last few towns), I got asked out to the 4th of July festivals by a nice looking young man – I told him I wasn’t from here and needed to bed early since I have a century ride to do again tomorrow. He said he should move to California…. Hahaha… or this should happen in California – I never get asked out at the drug store! Go figure :)
I just found out at route rap (where I am right now) that today was Skip’s birthday! We’ll have to do something special for him at dinner. It is also Wayne and Al’s birthday too… three riders have birthdays on the 4th of July – very special :) It made my day to enjoy dinner with Skip for his birthday and then some cake afterwards (see funny video of Skip - he is hysterical!). Wayne's wife came all the way from Wales to surprise him for his birthday and brought two cakes for all the birthdays, along with some cupcakes - yum yum!
Okay, so today wasn’t that bad but I started out tired and knew I had 106 miles left to go. I rode alone all day at my own pace and my goal was to be in in less than 7 hours… I was not going to be out as long as yesterday… mentally I just couldn’t do it! So, I speed along at a nice pace and at about mile 25, I missed home and then just started to cry.
Today we had a contest going on – the one best dressed for the 4th of July got some reward. So, we had a few takers on the contest with nice outfits (see photos). We arrived in Springfield, Illinois – the home of Abraham Lincoln - there are many signs and historical places based on him – the town isn’t all that nice but there seems to be some major celebration for the 4th of July that they are setting up near the Capitol building. While at Walgreen’s, where I FINALLY found postcards to send to my niece and nephew (I haven’t been able to find them in any of the last few towns), I got asked out to the 4th of July festivals by a nice looking young man – I told him I wasn’t from here and needed to bed early since I have a century ride to do again tomorrow. He said he should move to California…. Hahaha… or this should happen in California – I never get asked out at the drug store! Go figure :)
Hang in there, Audrey. You're going to make it. Sounds like you had a rough day but a pleasant end to it. Better days are coming! You go, girl! Doesn't anyone have a charger that will fit your phone?
Hi Auntie Audrey,
Have a good bike ride. I saw the fireworks last night. I had fun spotting them and I watched them and I didn't get scared because they were so far away. I saw purple, green and red and they were very beautiful like a rainbow in the night sky.
I hope you have fun at every state.
I have a new prima and her name is Aurorita and she was born on July third.
Greetings Audrey,
I just showed Adrianna your blog and she got down and began riding her trike...I think she emulates you.
Ricardo Luke broke a bone in his foot and is in a cast. The kids were jumping off the furniture to the floor and his foot was sort of sideways.
They all spent the night last night and I made them cottage cheese pancakes and bacon. Right now Luke is going to starbucks for all of us.
Of course, tomorrow is Asha's birthday and I thank God for her presence in our lives. In her honor I am going to dig out all the family pictures and put them up in the hall. I've missed them and will enjoy all your precious faces.
Hope you have a good ride today. Not as tired and hopefully feeling better.
Keep in touch, love mom
Hi love, I was laughing so hard reading your DANANANANA Blues (except for the part where you were crying) :( ,but because I can relate. I sprained a ligament in my back/hip and can't paddle for 6 weeks, NOR can I even bike ride because I can't even lean over that far. Bummer! Atleast I can do light hiking, so a few of us went on an easy 6 mile hike yesterday instead and the weather was perfect. My 4th of July celebration was great. I did forfeit all the fireworks this year as I was so exhausted (your mom and I had stayed up until 2:00am talking)only to come home to my street where every home had all their relatives and friends over and where shooting off fireworks until midnight. So much for getting to bed early! I ended up joining them anyway and just enjoying the neighborhood for a change and slept in this morning. Yahoo! Have a great day. Love ya, Aunt Joyce
Ok I got the computer fired back up. Tried to send a real nice message and it didnt post. So here goes again. It looks like your having quite a trip. Emotional as usual.lol I sure miss you. Im very proud of you. The drive you have to do these outrageous feats is impressive.
Those are the sexxxiest tan lines i have ever seen. If i was a few years older, I'd probably hit on ya. lol
Take care I will be in touch regularly the rest the way.
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